This week’s League assignment … Shelfie! It would only make sense that the main display area of the shelves in my new office would be reserved for Batman figures. #popcultureleague #coolandcollected #batman #batfan #batmancollection #batforce #actionfigures #toycollector #toycrewbuddies #arkhamorigins #btas #batman89 #keatongivesbeatings #alexross #darwyncooke #frankmiller #dustinnguyen A photo posted by Ben Rollier (@batfandotcom) on Aug […]
Thoughts on Batman vs. Superman (SPOILERS)

Things have been ridiculously busy lately but, I managed to finally go out with the wife last Friday and see Batman vs. Superman. I’ve been thinking about it ever since and needed to get my thoughts out. Besides, the blog is WAY overdue for an update. First things first, my public apology to Ben Affleck. […]
Halloween Sticker Extravaganza!

Yikes. It’s been a while, I know. Bad … bad blog owner. No posts since April and only 2 posts between this one and my last Halloween-themed post. Unfortunately, a lack of quick post ideas and real life keeping me super busy has kept me away. But, when I saw that my good friend Shawn […]
Wowzers! Thoughts on the new ‘Inspector Gadget’ show

First of all, hi there. It’s been a while, I know. The blog has been silent for a few months and I firmly place the blame on the holidays, laziness and a lack of things to write about. In our house, we’ve been on a big Inspector Gadget kick lately. I’ve always been a huge […]
Stupid Heroes!

If you know anything about me, you know that I love me some superhero trading cards. Well, the fine folks at Wax Eye recently sent me some sample packs of their new trading card series Stupid Heroes and asked that I review them. These are superhero parody cards, very much like the Zero Hero cards […]