A Little Shelf Expression

It’s been too long since my last post and WAY too long since my last League post. Between some obscure League topics and real life keeping my busy, I’m a little behind on my blogging. But, thankfully Brian threw out an easy one this week so, I’m pushing through and getting a new post up! […]
The Sticker Post

I’ll just start off by saying, this post is a complete rip-off of the sticker book post on ShezCrafti. As Jaime put it, every kid in the 80s collected stickers It’s something I never really thought about but, this is very true. Stickers seemed to be in their heyday, in the 80’s & early 90’s. […]
More Treasure Hunting

My oldest son’s first day of school was yesterday so, I decided to take the day off so I could bring him. After we dropped him off, I happened to end up at the mall again. Well, the sports card store I mentioned in my last post, was calling my name again. Their selection of […]
Multiple Man

Hey guys, Happy New Years! Not a single post since Thanksgiving. I know. I apologize for my absence. I was WAY too busy getting ready for Christmas and I just came back after a week and a half off. Hope everyone stayed safe and enjoyed their holidays. And now, for a holiday anecdote … Over […]