The Sticker Post


I’ll just start off by saying, this post is a complete rip-off of the sticker book post on ShezCrafti.  As Jaime put it, every kid in the 80s col­lected stick­ers It’s something I never really thought about but, this is very true.  Stickers seemed to be in their heyday, in the 80’s & early 90’s. […]

More Treasure Hunting


My oldest son’s first day of school was yesterday so, I decided to take the day off so I could bring him.  After we dropped him off, I happened to end up at the mall again.  Well, the sports card store I mentioned in my last post, was calling my name again.  Their selection of […]

Multiple Man


Hey guys, Happy New Years! Not a single post since Thanksgiving.  I know.  I apologize for my absence.  I was WAY too busy getting ready for Christmas and I just came back after a week and a half off.  Hope everyone stayed safe and enjoyed their holidays. And now, for a holiday anecdote … Over […]



This is going to be a quick hitter because I’ve been super busy and I’m getting this in late.  But, I wanted to make sure I wrote this.  As Thanksgiving gets closer, I realize I have a lot to be thankful for. I’m thankful first and foremost for my AWESOME family.  I can’t overstate this. […]

Hake’s Auction #210 Shopping Spree!


I’ve gained access to the Wayne Family bank account and gone on a shopping spree at Hake’s!  Well . . . not really but, it certainly is fun to think about.  Anyways, here’s what I would buy:  Bob Kane signed, limited edition Batman lithograph   I know, I know. Big surprise. This is just WAY […]